A Beginner’s Guide To Motorcycle Gear
If you’re a beginner in motorcycle riding, you must know that there is a lot to learn. Selecting a good gear can yield you a lot of benefits. It helps you be safe and secure while you ride your motorcycle, it makes you look smart and prevents you from accidents. Choosing good riding gear can seem like a huge obstacle, but this blog is here to break it down for you, and give you some general information and insight into motorcycle gear so that you can make informed and better choices: Helmets - According to a study published by Dietmar Otte, 45 percent of all impacts to motorcycle helmets occur around the face and chin, which are not protected by open-face or three-quarter type helmets. Helmets also help in keeping the wind and bugs out of your eyes which can otherwise irritate your vision and visibility. You should wear a full-face helmet so that your face can be protected if it hits the pavement by accident. According to the manufacturers, helmets have an average lifespan of fi...