
Showing posts from October, 2019

Steer Clear of These Riding Habits

It is very easy to pick up a bad riding-habit while commuting on Indian streets. The haphazard traffic conditions in our cities often lead to cutting corners and taking shortcuts. While these techniques may serve you well on the streets, these riding habits can be quite hazardous on highway and track. At High Note Performance, we are very passionate about riding and riding gear. Our focus is always on rider safety. With years of experience in dealing with professional riders and handling high-performance riding gear, we have some keen insights for you. Distractions on the road : Staying focused is crucial for safety on the road. By focusing on what's ahead of you on the road, you have more time to react to situations that can turn hazardous. However, if your curiosity continuously gets the better of you and your head keeps turning away from the road, it is not a very safe thing to do. Try to keep your attention from wandering for safe riding. Covering the controls :  It ba